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We Defend what we Support and Trump Supports Race Soldiers

D.C. Washington - The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump defended the Race Soldier, Kyle Rittenhouse in his address to the people made before going to Kenosha, WI on September 1st.

Kyle Rittenhouse, is a 17 year old adolescent who was in Kenosha on August 31 with a AR-15 Assault Rifle during the protests. He was menacing and when his menacing caused him to be attacked and he was put to the ground he opened fire. His retaliation killed two people and injured one other. They were all unarmed protesters.

Why would the President of the United States call this adolescent criminal a hero? For the same reason that he spoke of building a wall in his first presidential campaign and left the immigrants in internment camps in America in 2016. The same internment camps that are still operating now. To build his campaign and garner the vote of the Bigoted Caucasian Majority that supported him during the last term. Trump's campaign is looking to paint him as the one who will stop the unrest of a nation and by supporting Rittenhouse the indication is that he will use armed forces, violence and give power to the Militia's.

We can no longer support a Government that openly supports killing us. We must protect our people by giving our children the truth of our story and history of America. To grow our children in to men and women who can fight injustice when they are beset by White Systematic Oppression. And to build our own community and political leaders.

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