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Entertainment on another level Joe Smizzy

An independent talent hailing from the Boogie down Bronx, Joe Smizzy has built a name for himself throughout the 5 boroughs as a top notch performer. Entertaining to say the least, his current single, "Japan" has quickly become a crowd favorite. With a decade of recording under his belt Joe Smizzy has taken the last 2 calendar years to focus on visibility and networking himself into prime opportunities to showcase his talent. Working on a self-titled EP due out later this year Joe Smizzy has remained consistent promoting his collaborations with Geo The Rican, Hot Waterz including a myriad of radio broadcasts and most recently the stage at H Loft for Military Grind Concert Series and Media Day presented by Lavish Life Magazine. With a deal in place for distribution by Addventures Music headed up by the legendary Chris Gotti, Joe Smizzy is carefully crafting the pieces to his brand in hopes of becoming a house hold name.

“Aside from music I want people to know that I am an intellectual that would Love to change the world; a fun fact is that I really love politics."

Follow @JoeSmizzy


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